Lamp Boi - Final Post
As Games II officially comes to an end, our game is now officially "finished." While we couldn't include everything we had initially planned, I'm pretty pleased with the way that it turned out. I think that the game feels nice to play, and is nice to look at and listen to. You can peruse some glamor shots of the finished product here:
Obviously, in preparation for our final presentation, we made quite a few changes from the last checkpoint. The big things that I worked on were fixing our jump system, adding our animations to the player, adding fight behavior to the frog boss, and implementing a new ability with our range attack that allows the player to activate moving platforms.
Fixing our jumps was pretty long overdue. In the past, the player would stick to walls by holding the arrow key towards the wall, and would usually be able to jump at least once while stuck there. The player would also usually be able to jump mid-air after falling, but not jumping, off of a platform. I fixed the sticking by reducing the friction on all of our walls and platforms, and fixed the jumping by adding a new invisible collider at the base of the player, and using that to check for ground collisions instead of the player's own collider.
Adding animations was as straightforward as you might expect, but for a small change they seem to add a lot to the charm and liveliness of the game.
The new ability was also something we'd been wanting to do for a while now, but had been putting off in favor of more pressing issues. The idea is that the player's range attack is a ball of fire, so it makes sense that one would be able to light torches with it. These torches, placed throughout the second half of the level, cause the platforms they're on to move once lit. It didn't take me too long to create a script to light the lanterns and move the platforms on contact with the attack, but the platform motion is a little buggy right now, so it would've been nice to spend some time to go back and take another look at it.
Programming the boss was pretty similar to programming our other enemies, it just has has an extra attack and keeps track of its own health. The main attack is a simple jump, which is basically just like the blob enemy's large jump. The frog will pace back and forth with this jump, turning around whenever it collides with a wall. The second attack is a sprint similar to the deer, where the frog charges straight into the player. This attack is supposed to happen instead of the jump whenever the player is within a certain range of the frog, but it isn't always happening right now. If I'd had more time I definitely would've looked into this more, as well as trying to get the frog's attack animations working. At the moment, only its idle animation works correctly. You can see the grand conclusion of our game below:
And that's about it from me! You can download our game, if you're so inclined, here. I learned a lot working on this project, and I had a lot of fun too, so I hope you enjoy it.
Obviously, in preparation for our final presentation, we made quite a few changes from the last checkpoint. The big things that I worked on were fixing our jump system, adding our animations to the player, adding fight behavior to the frog boss, and implementing a new ability with our range attack that allows the player to activate moving platforms.
Fixing our jumps was pretty long overdue. In the past, the player would stick to walls by holding the arrow key towards the wall, and would usually be able to jump at least once while stuck there. The player would also usually be able to jump mid-air after falling, but not jumping, off of a platform. I fixed the sticking by reducing the friction on all of our walls and platforms, and fixed the jumping by adding a new invisible collider at the base of the player, and using that to check for ground collisions instead of the player's own collider.
Adding animations was as straightforward as you might expect, but for a small change they seem to add a lot to the charm and liveliness of the game.
The new ability was also something we'd been wanting to do for a while now, but had been putting off in favor of more pressing issues. The idea is that the player's range attack is a ball of fire, so it makes sense that one would be able to light torches with it. These torches, placed throughout the second half of the level, cause the platforms they're on to move once lit. It didn't take me too long to create a script to light the lanterns and move the platforms on contact with the attack, but the platform motion is a little buggy right now, so it would've been nice to spend some time to go back and take another look at it.
Programming the boss was pretty similar to programming our other enemies, it just has has an extra attack and keeps track of its own health. The main attack is a simple jump, which is basically just like the blob enemy's large jump. The frog will pace back and forth with this jump, turning around whenever it collides with a wall. The second attack is a sprint similar to the deer, where the frog charges straight into the player. This attack is supposed to happen instead of the jump whenever the player is within a certain range of the frog, but it isn't always happening right now. If I'd had more time I definitely would've looked into this more, as well as trying to get the frog's attack animations working. At the moment, only its idle animation works correctly. You can see the grand conclusion of our game below:
And that's about it from me! You can download our game, if you're so inclined, here. I learned a lot working on this project, and I had a lot of fun too, so I hope you enjoy it.
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